Saturday, June 29, 2013

[Review] Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash

Hi :D

So lately I've been a little obsessed engrossed with ingredient lists on every item I own. I've also been a little crazy about being eco-friendly. I think everything that was supposed to happen to me in the spring just happened to me now. In the summer. Anyways, as a result of my purging of products with anything paraben in it or Sodium Laureth Sulfate or fragrance, the products I have and use are now significantly reduced (don't worry, I didn't toss them, I'm just going to use them up and then that's it), and I've been leaning towards the more natural companies like Origins, L'occitane, etc. So enough with this rant. Basically, because of my need for nicer ingredient lists, I tried the Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash. I got a travel size at an Origins counter in Macy's for somewhere around $11-$12 (can't remember, sorry), but I believe you can buy the 5 oz. version for $20 at Sephora.

The packaging is simple, and the product is a creamy, milky-looking white.

Here's a closer look at the description provided on the bottle, the directions, the ingredients, and any other random things they included. Personally, I am satisfied with the ingredients list, as it is free of parabens, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, fragrance, and a range of other potentially harmful ingredients which I cannot name, for the list is too long XD

The Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash had an okay oil control. I was quite disappointed with that, but then I realized it was summer, and that my face was extra oily during the summer, so I think I'll wait until the fall/winter to retry this, when my skin will be less oily and more combination and sensitive than it is now. Second, I liked how foamy this was. This face cleanser is extremely foamy, and smelled nice - kind of minty to me, but then again, I'm terrible at describing scents. This was not harsh on my skin, which was great, and felt refreshing and relaxing. However, I just can't use this right now during the summer, because if I do, my face will be way too greasy and oily for my liking. Hopefully this will work better for my skin during the fall and winter months!

- Free of parabens
- Decent smell
- Not harsh or abrasive

- Only an "okay" oil control

Repurchase? No - not enough oil control for me right now XD

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Also, because this is skincare related, I would like to emphasize that what may work for my skin may not work for your skin, and your skin could react differently to this product than mine did. 

Disclaimer: This is a personal blog written and edited by me. This was not a sponsored post. This is my personal, honest opinion. Please note that everyone is different so what may work on me might not work on you, so I recommend testing the product before purchasing. All pictures were taken by me. Please see my Disclaimer page or Contact Me page for more info.


  1. this looks interesting. my skin can be oily at times too although i don't think it's available here in the philippines but would love to ask my cousin about this.

    thanks for the review!


    1. If the Philippines has a Sephora, maybe you could try and find this there? If not, there are always online vendors (or your cousin XD) :P
