Saturday, May 11, 2013

[Review] Tarte Maracuja Creaseless Concealer

Hi everyone! 

Dark circles under my eyes have always been a problem, and with the exams and such, they have become more and more prominent as exam dates are coming closer. I actually don't normally use or buy concealers, but I was determined to cover those dark circles up. I read some reviews, did some research,  and went to the store to take a closer look, finally settling on buying the Tarte Maracuja Creaseless Concealer. It's $24 from Sephora.

The packaging is so pretty (: It's like a royal purple, and I love the font that Tarte uses on their logo. Random, I know, but I feel like I should point that out XD

The ingredients are decent and nice - nothing for me to complain about.

This concealer is extremely thick, and a little goes a long way. You honestly don't need much to cover your face, and I mainly used this for my dark circles. I was impressed with the results, but not blown away. It did cover my dark circles, but it wasn't amazing or holy grail status - know what I mean? Also, on the days my dark circles were so prominent it looked like I had a black eye, this couldn't cover everything up. I didn't expect it to, but I guess that just means I need to find one that does. In the mean time, though, I'll be sticking to this and using all of it up. I do think this is worth trying because of the decent ingredient list and result, though. 

One complaint I do have with this product is the tube. As I said before, the packaging is so pretty, but unfortunately, the tube was a huge disappointment. I thought it would feel a little more sturdy and such, but it just felt like flexible plastic. Also, squeezing product out is a nightmare. It feels like a bag of chips - half air and half product. From what I've read, though, it's not just me - others have had the same experience.

- Decent coverage
- Decent ingredients
- A little goes a long way...this will last a while (:

- Difficult to squeeze
- Feels half empty/filled with air

Repurchase? Yes.

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Disclaimer: This is a personal blog written and edited by me. This was not a sponsored post. This is my personal, honest opinion. Please note that everyone is different so what may work on me might not work on you, so I recommend testing the product before purchasing. All pictures were taken by me. Please see my Disclaimer page or Contact Me page for more info.

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